An Announcement has been made by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) concerning the recyclability labelling requirements under the UK Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).

The announcement reads:

“We want to provide you with an update on the legislation for the introduction of Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging reforms. This legislation is on track to come into force in January 2025 as planned.

In the process of finalising this legislation we have taken a decision relating to the proposed provisions on labelling.

We have removed the provisions from the Statutory Instrument that relate to the introduction of mandatory labelling. However, this is a temporary position. The UK Governments (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) remain committed to a mandatory labelling regime to make it easier for consumers to understand how to recycle packaging correctly, and ultimately for the scheme to deliver its environmental outcomes.

We will include mandatory labelling across the UK – likely via an amendment to our forthcoming legislation in 2025 – and our approach is likely to be consistent across all nations of the UK. In preparing these provisions, we will review the forthcoming EU packaging legislation (EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation) and explore the potential for consistency across our approaches. We will seek to minimize the costs and complexity of the arrangements for those businesses trading across all these markets, while protecting our commitment to the importance of labelling as part of the overall objectives of these reforms.

In parallel, we will continue to pursue work to ensure citizens across the UK understand how to recycle their waste to the best effect. Clarity and communication to citizens is a key part of delivering the Collection and Packaging Reforms overall.”

Advena will continue to update once further information is released.

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